Siegfried Goeschl

Siegfried Goeschl is currently an ASF member, Apache Turbine & JSPWiki PMC (Project Management Committee). Over the last 10 years he was also Apache Commons Committer & PMC working on commons-email & commons-exec, Apache XML-RPC Committer, Apache Isis & JSPWiki mentor and Apache Maven contributor. He became involved with Open Source in 2000 contributing JUnitPP (one of the first JUnit extensions ever), got involved with Maven, confused with Jelly and wrote an Avalon container now being part of Apache Turbine (this makes him to the last Avalonier in this part of the universe). His professional interests are centered around writing server-side Java code, full-text search, performance testing, quality assurance and build management. If there is some time left besides his company, consulting work, Open Source software development and family he helps at the local Java User Group and organizing the next GDG DevFest in Vienna.